
Meaning Of The Prefix Ex

Prefix Examples: 40 Essential Prefixes and Their Meanings

What is a prefix? A prefix is divers as a syllable or group of syllables added to the showtime of a word or a root word stem to alter its meaning. Prefixes add complexity to the English language and make information technology possible to create new words that are easily understood by speakers everywhere. Reviewing a multifariousness of prefix examples and what they mean volition assistance you lot utilise logic to new words and decode them appropriately.

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15 Prefixes That Negate Another Discussion

Several prefixes serve to make the new word mean the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the original meaning of the base word. For case, consider the prefix de-. This prefix means to undo something and is commonly attached to a verb. Using this prefix, you can accept the verb actuate, which means to put something to use, and change it to deactivate, which means to have something out of employ.

Prefix Meaning Examples
a- lacking, without, not amoral, atheist, abiotic
ab- away, removed, non aberrant, abstract, absent-minded
an- without, non, defective anaerobic, anacoustic, anhydrous
anti- confronting, opposing, contrary to antibody, antifreeze, antisocial


opposite to, confronting, opposing contraindicated, contralateral, contraflow
counter- opposing, contrary to, against counterproposal, counteroffer, counter-attack
de- reverse, undo, remove deactivate, de-ice, deplane
dis- remove, split up, autonomously from disagree, disapprove, disconnect
ex- away from, sometime, lacking ex-hubby, ex-married woman, ex-dominate
il- non, defective, without illegal, illegible, illogical
im- without, not, defective impossible, improper, impermeable
in- no, without, defective injustice, incomplete, invisible
ir- not, not, opposite irreversible, irreplaceable, irregular
non- non, lacking, without nonexistent, nonfiction, nonnegotiable
un- opposite, not, lacking unkind, unresponsive, unruly

25 Common Prefixes in English language With Examples

At that place are many prefixes that don't negate the original meaning of the root word, simply rather alter it in unique ways, such as expressing relationships of fourth dimension, place or manner. Prefixes are sometimes added to consummate English words or to root word stems that tin be traced to Latin or Greek.

Prefix Pregnant Examples
dues- before, prior to, front antebellum, lobby, anterior
auto- cocky, one'southward self, yourself autobiography, autograph, autonomy
circum - around, go effectually circumnavigate, delimit, circumvent
co- jointly, with, together coexist, copilot, coworker
com- together, with commiserate, compartment, community
con- with, together confound, confluence, chat
en- put into, surroundings encase, endow, envelope
exo- out, outer exhale, extend, exoskeleton
actress- beyond, more extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravert
hetero- different, not the same heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterocyst
man- same, not unlike homogenize, homophone, homosexual
hyper- extreme, beyond hyperactive, hyperspace, hypertension,
inter- between, in the midst of, among intermittent, intersect, interstate
mega - big, massive megaphone, megadose, megabyte
micro- small, tiny microcosm, microphone, microscope
mid- centre. midpoint midnight, midseason, midterm
mis- incorrect, bad, wrongful misappropriate, misunderstand, misuse
mono- one, singular monogamous, monotone, monochrome
over- too much, excessive overcook, overdone, overwrought
post- after postdate, postscript, mail service-war
pre- before, prior to prefix, preliminary, preschool
re- over again, do over reconsider, re-evaluate, rewrite
semi- partial, somewhat, less than fully semiconductor, semester, semi-retired
sub- below, beneath subjugate, submarine, sub-par
trans- across, change transferrence, transgender, translate

Expand Your Vocabulary With Prefixes

Prefixes are a powerful tool in the English language language. Learning about common prefix examples and how to use them will aid yous strengthen your vocabulary and develop the power to vary the language you apply in your writing and conversations. Remember that some prefixes can share a meaning, such as il-, in-, im- and ir-, and that you practise not by and large hyphenate a prefix unless it's attached to a proper noun (though there are some exceptions, every bit illustrated past a few of the examples in the tables). One time you have mastered these prefixes, it'due south much easier to effigy out the meaning of new words when you come up across them.

Now that you've mastered some common prefix examples, adjacent you lot'll want to study a selection of suffixes. Boost your skills past practicing with roots, base words, prefixes, and suffixes. Once you principal these, at that place will exist no limit to your language arts learning and what yous tin exercise with your English linguistic communication skills.

Meaning Of The Prefix Ex,


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